Polarr photo editor app review
Polarr photo editor app review

polarr photo editor app review

Gradient, color masks, none of them would save. The first time I updated it to the new Polarr, it would not let me save any of my selective adjustments. I purchased Polarr Pro’s selective adjustments in around 2017 and it worked fine, but recently with the new Polarr SO many new issues have risen. I’ve been using Polarr since late 2016, and for the most part it’s been pretty great, with a few bugs in between and issues with the quality, but the problems were fixed quite quickly. Moving fast and breaking things is what children do, we expect better from professionals Every release adds a new feature or fiddles with UX while breaking something fundamental. I used to love the potential and philosophy, but there are still fundamental bugs unaddressed since launch almost five years ago. Read the reports from all your customers while you’re at it. I have reported the issues in every release sometimes I get a response asking for the same information provided in first report - it’s broken the same way, please read the first full bug report. Cute garbage like “pixelate with triangles” gets added, while the image type tags have been broken since first release. This is the _SECOND_ time my favorites have been nuked because of app changes. Another Update: All my favorites vanished because they changed the way they “package” favorites, and seem to have given no thought to how that interacts with previously referenced Styles. I don’t want your garbage clipart lens flares i want the imaging tooks i freaking paid for. No Landscape mode! No more drawing tools or text or shapes. BEWARE: now features we paid for are GONE. What does this app even do anymore? I am beginning to think this “javascript-first” webdev architecture is unsuited to real tools people depend upon. It appears “rental” means “subject to total change whenever we feel like it”. If something is not done soon, I will be requesting an entire refund 🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️ this is not the app I paid for. Who ever made this decision should be fired, or given a second chance to fix this mess that now takes up room on my phone. Also why is there not an easier way to delete my custom overlays, y’all didn’t bother to reconcile that situation. But once I really played around with it, it soon became my newest go to. I had not known how much more useful this app was over my previous go to until the last few months. You were a top rated app, why would you make such a move, that was dumber than dumb, at least have the courtesy to roll it out slowly. From 5 stars to 1, if could I’d give it none. I can’t for the life af me figure out the set up for the new way that overlays work, I cant even seem to apply an image in the style of a gradient like was able to do before. Why would you completely change an entire app so that even experienced users are dumbfounded. I’m so happy to see that I am not the only one who is completely infuriated with the new update.

Polarr photo editor app review